Mind Over Matter

Yes- the rumors are true! My book, “The Championship Mindset” has been published and you can purchase it ONLY here (C lick here) Barnes and Noble dot com!
A champion mindset is a mindset that allows you to perform your best. Anyone that works on adopting this mindset will not only get better at what they do, but they will have the chance to be the best at what they do. Mindset is the biggest factor in success. Your mindset impacts each and every decision that you take. Whether you are an athlete or not, you can acquire The Championship Mindset!

A CONTEST / GIVEAWAY is coming soon!


It’s about to get magical

January 23rd –
The day that the podcast “The Championship Mindset” will launch. Yes, it will launch BEFORE the book e-book version. The paperback version will be the last to be launch.

You can subscribe to the podcast here: SUBSCRIBE

A champion mindset is a mindset that allows you to perform your best. Anyone that works on adopting this mindset will not only get better at what they do, but they will have the chance to be the best at what they do. Mindset is the biggest factor in success. Your mindset impacts each and every decision that you take. Now, this mindset just isn’t for athletes, it is for everyone.

Each week I will do a podcast, blog post, and post some creative content designed to inspire you and encourage you.

Here is an affirmation to help you for the weekend ahead:
I am the master of my thoughts and energy and I can create my destiny.

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to overcome self-sabotaging, negative thoughts.
Remember, Nothing happens by chance, but you need to take the chance and get out of your comfort zone in order to achieve greatness.
If you want the championship mindset you need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. By having a deep-rooted belief in your abilities, you have the potential for success. Having confidence in your skills and talents, is one part but visualizing your routine that makes you feel excited about the future to align your thoughts and emotions, is what makes the championship mindset possible!

I hope you will join me.

You can subscribe to the podcast here: SUBSCRIBE

Say Hello to 2024

I speak life into my manifestations.

2024 is my year for abundance, prosperity, love, and success.
(Say this affirmation every day this week!)

You were meant to survive it. You know how to take an L and turn it into a win. You have the faith to see it where others can’t.

Be Grateful.
And whatever you want you’ll get.

Each Week I will share with you some inspiration as we all are on the road to having the championship mindset. 

Follow me on Youtube today.
Subscribe to the podcast.

Hi, You Can Call Me Karma

We’ve made it to the end of 2023.

We need to remind ourselves that this is a journey with ups and downs twists and turns, but that we need to stop looking at everything as a “when we get there” and enjoy the journey.

So before the ball drops in Times Square, release what is no longer serving you.
Move forward knowing that everything is working for your highest good.
Walk into 2024 with vulnerability – learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.
There are still going to be times when things won’t work out perfectly, and that is okay.
But that is the point.

Shift things in 2024 from wanting to it’s happening and there is NOTHING ANYONE can do to stop it from happening! They can bitch, they can troll, they can complain but what is meant for you will happen in its perfect timing!

SUBSCRIBE to my podcast in 2024 to hear the message of the championship mindset. 
(Also, hey, the behind the scenes stuff too!) 
Let’s get excited! SO many AWESOME things are ABOUT to unfold in 2024! Follow my path and create yours.

When I went into 2023 – I KNEW this year was going to be different and bring me so many new possibilities, opportunities, experiences, and adventures. The seeds were planted and now in 2024 it’s time to watch them bloom. When you walk your path doing it scared and doing it unprepared, your desires will guide you to where you need to go. This is the BEST PART!! 

Live each day with gratitude realizing that is going to get you so much more than you can ever want or need.

The obstacles are what we need.
When we see the opponent on the ice, we don’t run from them, we just gain clarity as to what our next move is.
Your only job in 2024 is to JUST BE.

Congrats on getting through whatever it is that you got through in 2023… Now, let’s continue this journey together in 2024.

I’m a vibe that no one can ever replace

So as I said in the last blog post, I had some really interesting dating stories to share. If you read this blog then you know that I am in these chats with girls who talk about their dating lives and the stupid, narcissistic, jerks of men that they either date or are interested in from dating apps.
Before I continue, don’t reach out to me to tell me that your long lost cousin found his wife on a dating app- yes I get it… that was the point of these apps YEARS ago. Today they are all filled with either married men cheating on their wives, young guys who think it’s a flex to sleep with as many as possible, or even catfishers who are trying to scam women out of their money.
I was thinking that we all what the stories are going to be- so instead of telling you the stories, I will tell you about the DMs I have received asking for my dating advice:

Question 1: For a first date this guy asked me out on a coffee date? Is that showing him that my standards are low, when they aren’t anywhere close to that?

MY ANSWER: A cute cafe with a romantic ambiance and the best coffee in town is the perfect way to lay the foundation for that special connection you’re hoping to build. Coffee shop dates are the most socially acceptable way of meeting someone, spending time with that person, and keeping a nice conversation going to get to know them better. These meetings don’t have to be necessarily romantic in nature. A date shouldn’t be about the the amount of money spent, it should be about getting to know someone, feeling a vibe with someone and creating memories. Meeting someone new is not always easy for everyone. And to some, they have anxiety when it comes to doing this. A coffee date is a simple way of just breaking the ice with someone having fun, not to mention, and coffee. It also allows both people to see the other person’s personality and feel relaxed.
Finally, if you plan a highly elaborate romantic date that involves a full-course meal, and perhaps some wine in a five star restaurant, it will automatically build up a lot of expectation. Here, in a cafe, there are no expectations.

( this is why I thought of the segment, “Coffee With The Captain” because simply it is a fun thing to do- have coffee and talk hockey/life. It’s a relaxing atmosphere – yes, I am STILL waiting on Jacob Trouba… this is why if women had to wait for men the entire human race would have died out by now. – which leads me to the next question.. )

Question 2- Is okay for me to ask a guy out?

MY ANSWER: Like I said above if women had to wait for men the entire human race would have died out by now. Seriously guys take so long to get around to ask a girl out. They overthink things to the point where they literally scared themselves to death and then either think they shouldn’t ask her out or they prolong the asking part.
There are so many Tiktok’s and IG videos that women post that say shit like, “Women were made to be chased.” Sure the guy can still chase a girl but we can hint to the guy that we like him and make him confident enough to ask us out OR we can do the asking. I see no harm in asking for the 1st date, then the pressure of the 2nd goes on the guy. He can then “chase” you for the 2nd.

Question 3- Is it always a bad move to date someone just out of a relationship?

There really isn’t such a thing as “too early” to date after a breakup. Then there are folks who say it could easily be a major red flag because they haven’t taken the proper time to heal. I say, that it is not a one-size fits all situation. I think it’s best to start that relationship off as friends and just slowly move into the relationship romantically. BUT.. if that particular person that just broke up or divorced someone was not emotionally or mentally invested in the relationship as part of the reason they broke up, then I think the romantic side of the relationship will happen a lot quicker, especially if they are emotionally and mentally drawn to you. But to each it’s own. It’s okay to start ANY relationship off SLOW. We have to remember that it’s not a race.

The Diary Of A Social Gal Update

For all those who follow my Youtube channel I will posting many, many updates, behind the scenes, and fun content. If you aren’t subscribed, you should be!

Here’s a quickie update anyway-
1- I am DONE coaching cheerleading. NOT done Choreographing routines – so if you know a a team that needs routine that not only will win, but will have all eyes on them, you can DM me on Instagram
2- I am on the path to becoming a CHEER JUDGE! I am so excited! It definitely is my calling. I was made to be a cheer judge! So excited so I will be updating on Youtube as I go through the process with these organizations. It’s an exciting time for me.
3- I am writing 2 books at the same time. Yes, just like I did a few years ago. I am writing The Championship Mindset which will be a workbook and also audio that you will be able to get if you subscribe to my podcast – $2.99 a month is worth it. Not only will you get the audio version of the book, but you will also get weekly exclusive podcasts for subscribers only. I also will be giving weekly updates that are not part of the book and times when I can go one on one coaching. More to come…
4- I am working in NYC – my office space is there and it is living out a dream. I am THE CITY girl! IF you have been following me, then you know how I feel about manifesting and walking the path by doing it scared and doing unprepared. This is part of the Championship Mindset which is for teams but also for folks that want to live a championship life.

There’s a lot of awesome content that I will be rolling out. And yes, even some controversial blogs… of course, like duh, I was born a savage, did you expect anything less?

Just Be

Just be
Just be and let go.
Don’t try to force anything.
Don’t hustle.
Just be Just be in the moment.
We never know how long we have ,
We never know where life is going to take us
So, just be
Be in the moment.
Stop trying to control what’s going to happen and how it’s going to happen and just embrace the moment you’re in.
Divine timing.
Everything happens in divine timing.

Llisten to the special podcast here: https://bit.ly/3WZsAn8