January 23rd –
The day that the podcast “The Championship Mindset” will launch. Yes, it will launch BEFORE the book e-book version. The paperback version will be the last to be launch.

You can subscribe to the podcast here: SUBSCRIBE

A champion mindset is a mindset that allows you to perform your best. Anyone that works on adopting this mindset will not only get better at what they do, but they will have the chance to be the best at what they do. Mindset is the biggest factor in success. Your mindset impacts each and every decision that you take. Now, this mindset just isn’t for athletes, it is for everyone.

Each week I will do a podcast, blog post, and post some creative content designed to inspire you and encourage you.

Here is an affirmation to help you for the weekend ahead:
I am the master of my thoughts and energy and I can create my destiny.

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to overcome self-sabotaging, negative thoughts.
Remember, Nothing happens by chance, but you need to take the chance and get out of your comfort zone in order to achieve greatness.
If you want the championship mindset you need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. By having a deep-rooted belief in your abilities, you have the potential for success. Having confidence in your skills and talents, is one part but visualizing your routine that makes you feel excited about the future to align your thoughts and emotions, is what makes the championship mindset possible!

I hope you will join me.

You can subscribe to the podcast here: SUBSCRIBE

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